The Ayurvedic perspective on our natural rhythms

If the sun has gone to bed… so should you! Nature as a whole is resting during the darker times. These days there is every excuse and opportunity to stay up later, and maybe to get up later. We can falsify nature with bright electrical lighting to make us think it’s still daytime at 11pm, and blackout blinds to make us think it’s still night time at 11am. But this is dragging us out of sync with the way our bodies are naturally attuned to be!

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Meditation Moron!

My last blog post was about Ayurvedic doshas, and how your dosha might affect your meditation.

One of the main questions I am asked about my meditation practice is something along the lines of “but don’t you just sit there and think about all the things you need to do today?” Well yes, I do! I’m primarily a Vata personality.

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Power of the sun for insomnia

We often don’t think that being out in the sun could be a treatment for insomnia, but there are lots of benefits to getting a bit of sun!

I wonder if insomnia is just a modern day problem, or has it always been a human issue.  Personally, I think insomnia is an epidemic in this day and age, and if it existed at all in ancient times, in comparison, I imagine it was a very low percentage! People throughout time have worshipped the sun for its power.

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