Did you know that you can control of your mind with the breath?
Firstly, when people hear the word chakra, they often dismiss it as being too ‘woowoo’, but listening to Deepak Chopra
We often don’t think that being out in the sun could be a treatment for insomnia, but there are lots of benefits to getting a bit of sun!
I wonder if insomnia is just a modern day problem, or has it always been a human issue. Personally, I think insomnia is an epidemic in this day and age, and if it existed at all in ancient times, in comparison, I imagine it was a very low percentage! People throughout time have worshipped the sun for its power.
“In prehistoric times, mankind often had only two choices in crisis situations: fight or flee. In modern times, humor offers us a third alternative; fight, flee – or laugh. Robert Orben”
When natural sleep becomes elusive, and we just can’t drop off, this is often a message that something needs to change.