Fifty & Nifty

Santa snores

We know, we know: you want to stay up late by the chimney waiting for Santa. But hopping from one foot to another while holding a single mince pie or staying up all hours partying can cause havoc to your sleep schedule. “Sleep is absolutely vital to health and in the hierarchy of importance, it’s like water,” said Anandi the sleep guru, simultaneously explaining how we wake up so thirsty all the time. “Don’t think you can drink yourself to sleep this Christmas.”

But what can we do if we got drunk and fell asleep, Anandi? Is it game over for our health?

“Keep positive and look to the future,” namaste’d’s resident sleep guru. “Practising yoga will help to improve your health and sleeping patterns.” So if you’re struggling to snooze, you know what to do: complexly fold your legs so hard you have to call an ambulance.

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